How to write essays in english
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Advancing Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Propelling Practice - Essay Example In an investigation it has been uncovered that the percent of smoking among grown-ups has extensively diminishes in the late seventies and eighties yet was leveled in the nineties. Despite the fact that in late nineties the level of smokers had dropped a piece it was assessed that the circumstance wouldn’t improve further. On the off chance that the impacts of smoking can be measured, at that point we will discuss one of the most costly diversions presently. It is approximated that in United Kingdom alone, the legislature spends near a million Euros in intercession measures planned for smoking discontinuance. This expense doesn't mirror the sum spent by other intrigue gatherings, for example, Non legislative associations, research firms and private cause associations. Talking subjectively, smoking causes a larger number of passings everywhere throughout the world than HIV/Aids. Everything being equal, an impressive rate is drawn from young people however past smoking end programs have not focused on this age bunch yet gathered in different gatherings, for example, grown-ups. This has added to a critical drop in the quantity of grown-up populace smokers yet of criticalness to this article is the way that, the predominance of smoking among the young people has stayed high or plunged through and through. Substances which teenagers regularly misuse are alluded to as psychoactive substances implying that when taken, they have the capacity to change an individual’s cognizance, disposition or thinking process. They stifle a piece of the mind whose standard capacity is typically to direct the elements of the state of mind, musings and inspirations. Cigarette smoking is one of the main sources of passings on the planet. In any case, unfortunately enough, those are passings which are truly preventable if smoking end is completely valued by the administrations and other partners like training division, strict associations and good cause. Studies demonstrate that in the United States of America alone, cigarette smoking reason up to around
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Animal rights Essay Example for Free
Basic entitlements Essay Utilitarianism is worried about joy, and utilitarians acknowledge the possibility that worth is widespread so utilitarians accept that the characteristic estimation of satisfaction it is unaffected by the personality of the being in which it is felt. Hence every mean one, and none for beyond what one and my own advantages can't mean more, just in light of the fact that they are my own, than the interests of others. Utilitarians bolster balance by the equivalent thought of interests they dismiss any self-assertive differentiations with respect to who is deserving of concern and who isnt. This implies we dismiss vanity, prejudice, sexism, speciesism, and different types of uncalled for segregation. It doesn't imply that we deny that there are contrasts between people or between gatherings of people (a few people are cleverer, taller, more grounded, more enthusiastic and so forth than others), only that there is no legitimately convincing explanation behind accepting that a distinction in capacity legitimizes any distinction in the thought we provide for their inclinations. Utilitarians accept that while bliss, delight, happiness, fulfillment, rapture, etc are not equivalent words, they do all speak to decidedly characteristically significant emotions; and that the worth they speak to is of a comparable kind, as is convertible or proportionate (in some extent). Torment, enduring, misery, desolation and so forth are totally respected comparatively that the disvalue they speak to is convertible, not just with that of the other negative sentiments, yet with the positive emotions as well. This implies, for instance, that an utilitarian may accept that it is advantageous to persevere through a specific measure of enduring now, on the off chance that it guarantees a more prominent measure of joy later. In traditional utilitarianism, satisfaction is viewed as emphatically important, and misery (torment, enduring and so forth) is respected is contrarily significant. Negative utilitarianism denies the positive perspective it denies that satisfaction is characteristically important. By negative utilitarianism, the main objective (the main thing which is viewed as acceptable) is the decrease of anguish. Ordinary utilitarians and negative utilitarians concede to certain issues, and differ on others. A standard difference is delineated by the way that a negative utilitarian would accept that, on the off chance that it were conceivable to kill all life known to mankind immediately and easily and for all time, it would be right and morally necessitated that we do as such (so as to forestall any future affliction). An old style utilitarian may choose in any case, contingent upon their estimation of the overall measures of future anguish and joy.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Brazil COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Join Brazil in celebrating its Day of Independence (Sete de Setembro). Today Brazil celebrates its 190-year old independence from the Portuguese. Brazil will also host the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio De Janeiro. But even bigger news is that Columbia SIPA will be in Rio de Janeiro on Monday, September 10th and Sao Paulo on Wednesday, September 12th. If you are just thinking about pursuing a graduate degree in international affairs or knee-deep in the application process, stop by the APSIA fair and meet with Columbias Senior Assistant Dean Urbano Garza Hes a sweetie. Of course, if youre not in Brazil but would still like to meet with us, check out our recently updated Recruitment Schedule. We may be in your area Or visit us in New York. Were looking forward to meeting you.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
244142550 Principles Of Cost Accounting - 7232 Words
Principles of Cost Accounting Vanderbeck 16th Edition Test Bank Click here to download the test bank INSTANTLY!!! Principles of Cost Accounting Vanderbeck 16th Edition Test Bank Principles of Cost Accounting Vanderbeck 16th Edition Test Bank ***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL TEXTBOOK. YOU ARE PURCHASING the Test Bank in e-version of the following textbook*** Name: Principles of Cost Accounting Author: Vanderbeck Edition: 16th ISBN-10: 1133187862 Type: Test Bank - The test bank is what most professors use an a reference when making exams for their students, which means there’s a very high chance that you will see a very†¦show more content†¦There was no beginning or ending work in process. 5,000 units were completed and transferred out. The cost per unit is: A. $8.60 B. $5.20 C. $18.40 D. $4.60 10. Which of the following is not included in departmental product costs? A. Costs identifiable with the department. B. Costs added by prior production departments carried to the department. C. Cost of sales and administrative departments that have been allocated to the production department. D. Costs of factory service departments that have been allocated to the production department. Principles of Cost Accounting Vanderbeck 16th Edition Test Bank Principles of Cost Accounting Vanderbeck 16th Edition Test Bank 11. The primary task of process costing is to allocate total cost between: A. units finished during the period and units still in process at the end of the period. B. materials and conversion costs. C. units in process at the beginning of the period and units started during the period. D. units started during the period and units finished during the period. 12. Using the average cost method of process costing, the computation of manufacturing cost per equivalent unit considers: A. Current costs only. B. Current costs plus cost of beginning work in process inventory. C. Current costs plus cost of ending work in process inventory. D. Current costs less cost of beginning work in process inventory. The number of whole units that
Monday, May 11, 2020
Essay about Martin Luther King Jr and His Life - 907 Words
â€Å"Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say that I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one.†This quote is by John Lennon. I think it refers to what happened on August 28th 1963, a hot summer day when a quarter of a million people showed up on the steps of the Lincoln memorial. That day was the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, brought together by civil rights groups and religious groups at the time, king gave a speech to try and open the countries eyes about it. Just a year earlier, only 6.7% of African Americans were able to vote in the state of Mississippi. The†¦show more content†¦to Jackson, Mississippi. On the 4th of May 1961, the freedom riders left Washington D.C... In two busses and headed to New Orleans, although they faced resistance and arre sts in Virginia. It was not until the riders arrived in Rock Hill, South Carolina that they encountered violence, the riders continued to Anniston Alabama where on May 14th riders were met by a violent mob of over 100 people before the busses arrival. One of the buses was firebombed. And its fleeing passengers were forced into the angry white mob. The violence continued at the Birmingham terminal where police force offered no protection, but the violence grabbed national media attention the series of attacks prompted James Farmer the CORE to the end of the campaign, after the freedom riders flew home to New Orleans to end the firs freedom ride of the 1960’s. All of these events helped things lead up ti the March on Washington and Kings Speech. King was born on January 15, 1929 Michael Luther King Jr, but later has his name changed to Martin. His grandfather was a pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, he served from 1914 to 1931, His father served from then until the resent and from 1960 until his death. King acted as co-pastor. He attended segregated public schools in Georgia, graduated from high school at the age of 15, he received the B.A. Degree in 1948 from Morehouse college, a distinguished negro institution of Atlanta from which both his father and gradShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King Jr Essay1299 Words  | 6 PagesWhy was Martin Luther King Jr. such an inspiration to African Americans in America? Martin Luther King Jr. was an American minister, Civil Rights leader, and activist who had a strong belief in nonviolent protests (; Martin Luther King Jr.). He was the leader behind the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington which were eventually effective and a law was passed to en d racial discrimination (; Martin Luther King Jr.). On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested forRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of the I Have a Dream Speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.1219 Words  | 5 Pagesechoed throughout Washington D.C. August 28, 1963 as Martin Luther King Jr. paved the path to freedom for those suffering from racial segregation. It was the day of the March on Washington, which promoted Civil Rights and economic equality for African Americans. In order to share his feelings and dreams with the rest of the nation, Martin Luther King Jr. gave his speech encouraging all to overcome racial segregation. Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech was very effective due to theRead MoreOutliers Essay909 Words  | 4 PagesOutlier Essay: Martin Luther King Jr. An outlier is a person or thing situated away or detached from the main body or system. In other words, an outlier is somebody who goes out of his or her way and does something extraordinary in order to accomplish their goal. Martin Luther King Jr. is a true example of an outlier. In the early 1900s, segregation was strongly recognized in the United States, until Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for what he believed in and made a change. Although he made a differenceRead MoreEssay on The Life of Martin Luther King Jr.1244 Words  | 5 Pagesdevoted his life to changing the world. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born to Alberta and Martin Luther King. Alberta Williams King was born September 13, 1904 in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King, Sr. was born December 19, 1899 in Stockbridge, Georgia. Martins dad was a pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. His mother was a school teacher. His siblings were Christine King Farris born September 11, 1927, and Alfred Da niel Williams King born July 30, 1930. Martin was theRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay871 Words  | 4 Pages Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was born in Atlanta Georgia on January 15, 1929. His parents were Reverend Martin Luther King Sr. and Alberta Williams King. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his siblings were guided by the spiritual teachings from their father and attended public schools in Atlanta during their childhood. King and his nine siblings grew up in a financially secure middle class family. They received a better education than the average child of their race, King noticed this and it influencedRead Moreâ€Å"I Am Happy To Join With You Today In What Will Go Down1420 Words  | 6 Pagesgreatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.†(Lerone Bennett Jr. pg.125) Being a hero means to be a leader. To be a leader you have to have strength, courage, and commitment. In the 1960s, there were many leaders fighting for what they believe is the right of freedom and equality of all people. A major leader, Martin Luther King Jr. was involved in the Civil Rights Move ment during the 60s. King was influenced by advocates of nonviolence such as Mahatma Gandhi. He wanted to seekRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. What Was The Point Of Segregation711 Words  | 3 PagesHook: In the days of August 1963, Martin Luther king Jr did a march down a Washington D.C street that was very important to the united states to stop most legalized segregation. This was the point of discrimination that Martin Luther King Jr has faced. Background: This is part of the march on washington for jobs and freedom. The march is to help make segregation illegal. Segregation was a law made during jim crow laws times when he thought that blacks didn’t deserve to go to school or work withRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King Jr., A Political Icon Essay1441 Words  | 6 Pageschanged society and the world. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of those individuals. Martin Luther Kings contributions to history place him in this inimitable position. One of the great figures in the march of human history, Martin Luther King Jr., like Gandhi before him, lived by a heroic credo of non-violence. More than two decades since his death, Martin Luther King ideas; his call for racial equality, his faith in the ultimate triumph of justice, and his insistence on the power of nonviolentRead MoreBeing A Hero Means To Be A Leader. To Be A Leader You Have1124 Words  | 5 Pagesfreedom and equality of all people. Major leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X they were involved with the Civil Rights Movement during the 60s. They were willing to fight until the end to make a change in society. Both men wanted to give the rights to all black people in America of living as an equal human being. But they both had their own ways of trying to make history and trying to make a difference for black people. Martin Luther believed in fighting verbally to fight with wisdomRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr1194 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Simmons 1 Gabrielle Simmons Mrs. Fitzgerald Social Studies 8A 4/27/10 Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a well known and an inspiring man to all cultures of the world. King was and still is one of the most influential heroes. King s views and believes helped African Americans through the 50 s and 60 s to the rights and liberties that was their right. King faced many obstacles on his journey, things like jail and even assassination attempts. Despite these obstacles,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Angels Demons Chapter 32-35 Free Essays
string(56) " churned in neutral as Langdon and Vittoria approached\." 32 Langdon held his breath as the X-33 spiraled into Rome’s Leonardo da Vinci International Airport. Vittoria sat across from him, eyes closed as if trying to will the situation into control. The craft touched down and taxied to a private hangar. We will write a custom essay sample on Angels Demons Chapter 32-35 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Sorry for the slow flight,†the pilot apologized, emerging from the cockpit. â€Å"Had to trim her back. Noise regulations over populated areas.†Langdon checked his watch. They had been airborne thirty-seven minutes. The pilot popped the outer door. â€Å"Anybody want to tell me what’s going on?†Neither Vittoria nor Langdon responded. â€Å"Fine,†he said, stretching. â€Å"I’ll be in the cockpit with the air-conditioning and my music. Just me and Garth.†The late-afternoon sun blazed outside the hangar. Langdon carried his tweed jacket over his shoulder. Vittoria turned her face skyward and inhaled deeply, as if the sun’s rays somehow transferred to her some mystical replenishing energy. Mediterraneans, Langdon mused, already sweating. â€Å"Little old for cartoons, aren’t you?†Vittoria asked, without opening her eyes. â€Å"I’m sorry?†â€Å"Your wristwatch. I saw it on the plane.†Langdon flushed slightly. He was accustomed to having to defend his timepiece. The collector’s edition Mickey Mouse watch had been a childhood gift from his parents. Despite the contorted foolishness of Mickey’s outstretched arms designating the hour, it was the only watch Langdon had ever worn. Waterproof and glow-in-the-dark, it was perfect for swimming laps or walking unlit college paths at night. When Langdon’s students questioned his fashion sense, he told them he wore Mickey as a daily reminder to stay young at heart. â€Å"It’s six o’clock,†he said. Vittoria nodded, eyes still closed. â€Å"I think our ride’s here.†Langdon heard the distant whine, looked up, and felt a sinking feeling. Approaching from the north was a helicopter, slicing low across the runway. Langdon had been on a helicopter once in the Andean Palpa Valley looking at the Nazca sand drawings and had not enjoyed it one bit. A flying shoebox. After a morning of space plane rides, Langdon had hoped the Vatican would send a car. Apparently not. The chopper slowed overhead, hovered a moment, and dropped toward the runway in front of them. The craft was white and carried a coat of arms emblazoned on the side – two skeleton keys crossing a shield and papal crown. He knew the symbol well. It was the traditional seal of the Vatican – the sacred symbol of the Holy See or â€Å"holy seat†of government, the seat being literally the ancient throne of St. Peter. The Holy Chopper, Langdon groaned, watching the craft land. He’d forgotten the Vatican owned one of these things, used for transporting the Pope to the airport, to meetings, or to his summer palace in Gandolfo. Langdon definitely would have preferred a car. The pilot jumped from the cockpit and strode toward them across the tarmac. Now it was Vittoria who looked uneasy. â€Å"That’s our pilot?†Langdon shared her concern. â€Å"To fly, or not to fly. That is the question.†The pilot looked like he was festooned for a Shakespearean melodrama. His puffy tunic was vertically striped in brilliant blue and gold. He wore matching pantaloons and spats. On his feet were black flats that looked like slippers. On top of it all, he wore a black felt beret. â€Å"Traditional Swiss Guard uniforms,†Langdon explained. â€Å"Designed by Michelangelo himself.†As the man drew closer, Langdon winced. â€Å"I admit, not one of Michelangelo’s better efforts.†Despite the man’s garish attire, Langdon could tell the pilot meant business. He moved toward them with all the rigidity and dignity of a U.S. Marine. Langdon had read many times about the rigorous requirements for becoming one of the elite Swiss Guard. Recruited from one of Switzerland’s four Catholic cantons, applicants had to be Swiss males between nineteen and thirty years old, at least 5 feet 6 inches, trained by the Swiss Army, and unmarried. This imperial corps was envied by world governments as the most allegiant and deadly security force in the world. â€Å"You are from CERN?†the guard asked, arriving before them. His voice was steely. â€Å"Yes, sir,†Langdon replied. â€Å"You made remarkable time,†he said, giving the X-33 a mystified stare. He turned to Vittoria. â€Å"Ma’am, do you have any other clothing?†â€Å"I beg your pardon?†He motioned to her legs. â€Å"Short pants are not permitted inside Vatican City.†Langdon glanced down at Vittoria’s legs and frowned. He had forgotten. Vatican City had a strict ban on visible legs above the knee – both male and female. The regulation was a way of showing respect for the sanctity of God’s city. â€Å"This is all I have,†she said. â€Å"We came in a hurry.†The guard nodded, clearly displeased. He turned next to Langdon. â€Å"Are you carrying any weapons?†Weapons? Langdon thought. I’m not even carrying a change of underwear! He shook his head. The officer crouched at Langdon’s feet and began patting him down, starting at his socks. Trusting guy, Langdon thought. The guard’s strong hands moved up Langdon’s legs, coming uncomfortably close to his groin. Finally they moved up to his chest and shoulders. Apparently content Langdon was clean, the guard turned to Vittoria. He ran his eyes up her legs and torso. Vittoria glared. â€Å"Don’t even think about it.†The guard fixed Vittoria with a gaze clearly intended to intimidate. Vittoria did not flinch. â€Å"What’s that?†the guard said, pointing to a faint square bulge in the front pocket of her shorts. Vittoria removed an ultrathin cell phone. The guard took it, clicked it on, waited for a dial tone, and then, apparently satisfied that it was indeed nothing more than a phone, returned it to her. Vittoria slid it back into her pocket. â€Å"Turn around, please,†the guard said. Vittoria obliged, holding her arms out and rotating a full 360 degrees. The guard carefully studied her. Langdon had already decided that Vittoria’s form-fitting shorts and blouse were not bulging anywhere they shouldn’t have been. Apparently the guard came to the same conclusion. â€Å"Thank you. This way please.†The Swiss Guard chopper churned in neutral as Langdon and Vittoria approached. You read "Angels Demons Chapter 32-35" in category "Essay examples" Vittoria boarded first, like a seasoned pro, barely even stooping as she passed beneath the whirling rotors. Langdon held back a moment. â€Å"No chance of a car?†he yelled, half-joking to the Swiss Guard, who was climbing in the pilot’s seat. The man did not answer. Langdon knew that with Rome’s maniacal drivers, flying was probably safer anyway. He took a deep breath and boarded, stooping cautiously as he passed beneath the spinning rotors. As the guard fired up the engines, Vittoria called out, â€Å"Have you located the canister?†The guard glanced over his shoulder, looking confused. â€Å"The what?†â€Å"The canister. You called CERN about a canister?†The man shrugged. â€Å"No idea what you’re talking about. We’ve been very busy today. My commander told me to pick you up. That’s all I know.†Vittoria gave Langdon an unsettled look. â€Å"Buckle up, please,†the pilot said as the engine revved. Langdon reached for his seat belt and strapped himself in. The tiny fuselage seemed to shrink around him. Then with a roar, the craft shot up and banked sharply north toward Rome. Rome†¦ the caput mundi, where Caesar once ruled, where St. Peter was crucified. The cradle of modern civilization. And at its core†¦ a ticking bomb. 33 Rome from the air is a labyrinth – an indecipherable maze of ancient roadways winding around buildings, fountains, and crumbling ruins. The Vatican chopper stayed low in the sky as it sliced northwest through the permanent smog layer coughed up by the congestion below. Langdon gazed down at the mopeds, sight-seeing buses, and armies of miniature Fiat sedans buzzing around rotaries in all directions. Koyaanisqatsi, he thought, recalling the Hopi term for â€Å"life out of balance.†Vittoria sat in silent determination in the seat beside him. The chopper banked hard. His stomach dropping, Langdon gazed farther into the distance. His eyes found the crumbling ruins of the Roman Coliseum. The Coliseum, Langdon had always thought, was one of history’s greatest ironies. Now a dignified symbol for the rise of human culture and civilization, the stadium had been built to host centuries of barbaric events – hungry lions shredding prisoners, armies of slaves battling to the death, gang rapes of exotic women captured from far-off lands, as well as public beheadings and castrations. It was ironic, Langdon thought, or perhaps fitting, that the Coliseum had served as the architectural blueprint for Harvard’s Soldier Field – the football stadium where the ancient traditions of savagery were reenacted every fall†¦ crazed fans screaming for bloodshed as Harvard battled Yale. As the chopper headed north, Langdon spied the Roman Forum – the heart of pre-Christian Rome. The decaying columns looked like toppled gravestones in a cemetery that had somehow avoided being swallowed by the metropolis surrounding it. To the west the wide basin of the Tiber River wound enormous arcs across the city. Even from the air Langdon could tell the water was deep. The churning currents were brown, filled with silt and foam from heavy rains. â€Å"Straight ahead,†the pilot said, climbing higher. Langdon and Vittoria looked out and saw it. Like a mountain parting the morning fog, the colossal dome rose out of the haze before them: St. Peter’s Basilica. â€Å"Now that,†Langdon said to Vittoria, â€Å"is something Michelangelo got right.†Langdon had never seen St. Peter’s from the air. The marble faà §ade blazed like fire in the afternoon sun. Adorned with 140 statues of saints, martyrs, and angels, the Herculean edifice stretched two football fields wide and a staggering six long. The cavernous interior of the basilica had room for over 60,000 worshipers†¦ over one hundred times the population of Vatican City, the smallest country in the world. Incredibly, though, not even a citadel of this magnitude could dwarf the piazza before it. A sprawling expanse of granite, St. Peter’s Square was a staggering open space in the congestion of Rome, like a classical Central Park. In front of the basilica, bordering the vast oval common, 284 columns swept outward in four concentric arcs of diminishing size†¦ an architectural trompe de l’oiel used to heighten the piazza’s sense of grandeur. As he stared at the magnificent shrine before him, Langdon wondered what St. Peter would think if he were here now. The Saint had died a gruesome death, crucified upside down on this very spot. Now he rested in the most sacred of tombs, buried five stories down, directly beneath the central cupola of the basilica. â€Å"Vatican City,†the pilot said, sounding anything but welcoming. Langdon looked out at the towering stone bastions that loomed ahead – impenetrable fortifications surrounding the complex†¦ a strangely earthly defense for a spiritual world of secrets, power, and mystery. â€Å"Look!†Vittoria said suddenly, grabbing Langdon’s arm. She motioned frantically downward toward St. Peter’s Square directly beneath them. Langdon put his face to the window and looked. â€Å"Over there,†she said, pointing. Langdon looked. The rear of the piazza looked like a parking lot crowded with a dozen or so trailer trucks. Huge satellite dishes pointed skyward from the roof of every truck. The dishes were emblazoned with familiar names: Televisor Europea Video Italia BBC United Press International Langdon felt suddenly confused, wondering if the news of the antimatter had already leaked out. Vittoria seemed suddenly tense. â€Å"Why is the press here? What’s going on?†The pilot turned and gave her an odd look over his shoulder. â€Å"What’s going on? You don’t know?†â€Å"No,†she fired back, her accent husky and strong. â€Å"Il Conclavo,†he said. â€Å"It is to be sealed in about an hour. The whole world is watching.†Il Conclavo. The word rang a long moment in Langdon’s ears before dropping like a brick to the pit of his stomach. Il Conclavo. The Vatican Conclave. How could he have forgotten? It had been in the news recently. Fifteen days ago, the Pope, after a tremendously popular twelve-year reign, had passed away. Every paper in the world had carried the story about the Pope’s fatal stroke while sleeping – a sudden and unexpected death many whispered was suspicious. But now, in keeping with the sacred tradition, fifteen days after the death of a Pope, the Vatican was holding Il Conclavo – the sacred ceremony in which the 165 cardinals of the world – the most powerful men in Christendom – gathered in Vatican City to elect the new Pope. Every cardinal on the planet is here today, Langdon thought as the chopper passed over St. Peter’s Basilica. The expansive inner world of Vatican City spread out beneath him. The entire power structure of the Roman Catholic Church is sitting on a time bomb. 34 Cardinal Mortati gazed up at the lavish ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and tried to find a moment of quiet reflection. The frescoed walls echoed with the voices of cardinals from nations around the globe. The men jostled in the candlelit tabernacle, whispering excitedly and consulting with one another in numerous languages, the universal tongues being English, Italian, and Spanish. The light in the chapel was usually sublime – long rays of tinted sun slicing through the darkness like rays from heaven – but not today. As was the custom, all of the chapel’s windows had been covered in black velvet in the name of secrecy. This ensured that no one on the inside could send signals or communicate in any way with the outside world. The result was a profound darkness lit only by candles†¦ a shimmering radiance that seemed to purify everyone it touched, making them all ghostly†¦ like saints. What privilege, Mortati thought, that I am to oversee this sanctified event. Cardinals over eighty years of age were too old to be eligible for election and did not attend conclave, but at seventy-nine years old, Mortati was the most senior cardinal here and had been appointed to oversee the proceedings. Following tradition, the cardinals gathered here two hours before conclave to catch up with friends and engage in last-minute discussion. At 7 P.M., the late Pope’s chamberlain would arrive, give opening prayer, and then leave. Then the Swiss Guard would seal the doors and lock all the cardinals inside. It was then that the oldest and most secretive political ritual in the world would begin. The cardinals would not be released until they decided who among them would be the next Pope. Conclave. Even the name was secretive. â€Å"Con clave†literally meant â€Å"locked with a key.†The cardinals were permitted no contact whatsoever with the outside world. No phone calls. No messages. No whispers through doorways. Conclave was a vacuum, not to be influenced by anything in the outside world. This would ensure that the cardinals kept Solum Dum prae oculis†¦ only God before their eyes. Outside the walls of the chapel, of course, the media watched and waited, speculating as to which of the cardinals would become the ruler of one billion Catholics worldwide. Conclaves created an intense, politically charged atmosphere, and over the centuries they had turned deadly: poisonings, fist fights, and even murder had erupted within the sacred walls. Ancient history, Mortati thought. Tonight’s conclave will be unified, blissful, and above all†¦ brief. Or at least that had been his speculation. Now, however, an unexpected development had emerged. Mystifyingly, four cardinals were absent from the chapel. Mortati knew that all the exits to Vatican City were guarded, and the missing cardinals could not have gone far, but still, with less than an hour before opening prayer, he was feeling disconcerted. After all, the four missing men were no ordinary cardinals. They were the cardinals. The chosen four. As overseer of the conclave, Mortati had already sent word through the proper channels to the Swiss Guard alerting them to the cardinals’ absence. He had yet to hear back. Other cardinals had now noticed the puzzling absence. The anxious whispers had begun. Of all cardinals, these four should be on time! Cardinal Mortati was starting to fear it might be a long evening after all. He had no idea. 35 The Vatican’s helipad, for reasons of safety and noise control, is located in the northwest tip of Vatican City, as far from St. Peter’s Basilica as possible. â€Å"Terra firma,†the pilot announced as they touched down. He exited and opened the sliding door for Langdon and Vittoria. Langdon descended from the craft and turned to help Vittoria, but she had already dropped effortlessly to the ground. Every muscle in her body seemed tuned to one objective – finding the antimatter before it left a horrific legacy. After stretching a reflective sun tarp across the cockpit window, the pilot ushered them to an oversized electric golf cart waiting near the helipad. The cart whisked them silently alongside the country’s western border – a fifty-foot-tall cement bulwark thick enough to ward off attacks even by tanks. Lining the interior of the wall, posted at fifty-meter intervals, Swiss Guards stood at attention, surveying the interior of the grounds. The cart turned sharply right onto Via della Osservatorio. Signs pointed in all directions: Palazzio Governatorio Collegio Ethiopiana Basilica San Pietro Capella Sistina They accelerated up the manicured road past a squat building marked Radio Vaticana. This, Langdon realized to his amazement, was the hub of the world’s most listened-to radio programming – Radio Vaticana – spreading the word of God to millions of listeners around the globe. â€Å"Attenzione,†the pilot said, turning sharply into a rotary. As the cart wound round, Langdon could barely believe the sight now coming into view. Giardini Vaticani, he thought. The heart of Vatican City. Directly ahead rose the rear of St. Peter’s Basilica, a view, Langdon realized, most people never saw. To the right loomed the Palace of the Tribunal, the lush papal residence rivaled only by Versailles in its baroque embellishment. The severe-looking Governatorato building was now behind them, housing Vatican City’s administration. And up ahead on the left, the massive rectangular edifice of the Vatican Museum. Langdon knew there would be no time for a museum visit this trip. â€Å"Where is everyone?†Vittoria asked, surveying the deserted lawns and walkways. The guard checked his black, military-style chronograph – an odd anachronism beneath his puffy sleeve. â€Å"The cardinals are convened in the Sistine Chapel. Conclave begins in a little under an hour.†Langdon nodded, vaguely recalling that before conclave the cardinals spent two hours inside the Sistine Chapel in quiet reflection and visitations with their fellow cardinals from around the globe. The time was meant to renew old friendships among the cardinals and facilitate a less heated election process. â€Å"And the rest of the residents and staff?†â€Å"Banned from the city for secrecy and security until the conclave concludes.†â€Å"And when does it conclude?†The guard shrugged. â€Å"God only knows.†The words sounded oddly literal. After parking the cart on the wide lawn directly behind St. Peter’s Basilica, the guard escorted Langdon and Vittoria up a stone escarpment to a marble plaza off the back of the basilica. Crossing the plaza, they approached the rear wall of the basilica and followed it through a triangular courtyard, across Via Belvedere, and into a series of buildings closely huddled together. Langdon’s art history had taught him enough Italian to pick out signs for the Vatican Printing Office, the Tapestry Restoration Lab, Post Office Management, and the Church of St. Ann. They crossed another small square and arrived at their destination. The Office of the Swiss Guard is housed adjacent to Il Corpo di Vigilanza, directly northeast of St. Peter’s Basilica. The office is a squat, stone building. On either side of the entrance, like two stone statues, stood a pair of guards. Langdon had to admit, these guards did not look quite so comical. Although they also wore the blue and gold uniform, each wielded the traditional â€Å"Vatican long sword†– an eight-foot spear with a razor-sharp scythe – rumored to have decapitated countless Muslims while defending the Christian crusaders in the fifteenth century. As Langdon and Vittoria approached, the two guards stepped forward, crossing their long swords, blocking the entrance. One looked up at the pilot in confusion. â€Å"I pantaloni,†he said, motioning to Vittoria’s shorts. The pilot waved them off. â€Å"Il comandante vuole vederli subito.†The guards frowned. Reluctantly they stepped aside. Inside, the air was cool. It looked nothing like the administrative security offices Langdon would have imagined. Ornate and impeccably furnished, the hallways contained paintings Langdon was certain any museum worldwide would gladly have featured in its main gallery. The pilot pointed down a steep set of stairs. â€Å"Down, please.†Langdon and Vittoria followed the white marble treads as they descended between a gauntlet of nude male sculptures. Each statue wore a fig leaf that was lighter in color than the rest of the body. The Great Castration, Langdon thought. It was one of the most horrific tragedies in Renaissance art. In 1857, Pope Pius IX decided that the accurate representation of the male form might incite lust inside the Vatican. So he got a chisel and mallet and hacked off the genitalia of every single male statue inside Vatican City. He defaced works by Michelangelo, Bramante, and Bernini. Plaster fig leaves were used to patch the damage. Hundreds of sculptures had been emasculated. Langdon had often wondered if there was a huge crate of stone penises someplace. â€Å"Here,†the guard announced. They reached the bottom of the stairs and dead-ended at a heavy, steel door. The guard typed an entry code, and the door slid open. Langdon and Vittoria entered. Beyond the threshold was absolute mayhem. How to cite Angels Demons Chapter 32-35, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The three main causes of WW1 free essay sample
World war one, also known as the Great War, began in 1914 due to feuds between European countries. It was one of the worst wars of its time and had a huge effect on the people of the world. There are many different reasons argued for the cause of world war one and whilst there were many different reasons that contributed to the outbreak of the war, such as significant individuals or militarism, there were 3 main reasons for the start of World War 1, these reasons were, imperialism, the process of a country gathering colonies and making them its own, Nationalism, the thought that a persons country and policies were superior to any other, and alliances, a country’s agreement to one or more countries that they will protect each other if ever in need, for example in the case that there was an outbreak of war. Each of these reasons is what led to the Great War in 1914. We will write a custom essay sample on The three main causes of WW1 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Imperialism was a large reason for the outbreak of World War one. It caused jealousy of countries that had a lot of colonies from the countries that did not have many at all. The industrialised nations believed they had to have many colonies to keep up and do well in the new industrialised world. They also felt to be a great, superior power they must obtain many colonies. Another reason for needing colonies was to source raw materials and to use as a market to sell their manufactured products to. Italy and Germany were quite late in on imperialism and by the time they each had one colony all the best ones were taken by the British, French, Belgians and Dutch, this caused great feuds between these countries. Germany was especially jealous of the British Empire as by this time the British Empire owned over 25% of the earths surface and Germany was not happy about this as they wanted to be the worlds most powerful Empire, Britain feared Germany in Africa as they knew how powerful they could become, as historian Joachim Remak states â€Å"Britain saw German expansion as a threat.†1France, great Britain and Germany were all territorial over Africa and were fighting over what belonged to who as Africa was a superior colony to have because there was lots of good raw materials that could make a lot of money, and also the market was high there. All of these factors of imperialism caused great conflict between the major Empires. They all wanted the most land and resources as to them that is what made a great Empire. This was one of the three main reasons for the outbreak of World War 1 as the conflict became so much that they decided they would have to fight to gain there colonies, which they were all willing to do. Nationalism was another significant factor contributing to the cause of World War 1. Each of Europe’s great powers developed a firm belief that its own culture, economy and military was far more superior to any others out there. Each country wanted to have the ultimate power over every country and believed that everything should be done the way they do it. Not only was nationalism about each Countries belief of their own superiority, it was also about gaining independence from other Countries, like the Slavs, who were living in Bosnia and Herzegovina wanted to be free from the Austrian rule and instead be apart of Serbia, they wanted power and independence instead of being under Austria’s policies. This lead to great conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary and they believed the problems were only going to be sorted by having War. Due to all of this the fighting Countries lost sight of what was important and also began to just compete for superiority, with no thought to what was really important, historian Gerhard Ritter’s quote â€Å"Fatalism and belief in importance of strong national prestige led to political blindness†2shows how each country lost sight of what was important to gain selfish wants rather than taking care of there countries and working together, this lead to great feuds and competition between Countries and was a huge factor contributing to World War 1 as each country wanted to prove its superiority to the other countries. Alliances were the third main cause of World War 1. By 1914 all the major powers of Europe were linked together by a system of alliances, some of these alliances were; 1879 The dual alliance; Germany and Austria-Hungary make an alliance to protect each other from Russia. 1881 – Austro-Serbia alliance; Austria Hungary and Serbia make an alliance to prevent Russia gaining control of Serbia. 1907 The triple Entente; These are example of some alliances that were made between powerful countries to gain protection from other large powerful countries. As each country started to make more and more alliances they were each locked in to backing up each other up in any case of conflict. The alliances that were made would pull them into battle. Therefore, if one country was attacked, allied countries were bound to defend them. The alliances came to be a huge part of the great war as the reason for there being so many powerful countries was because they were defending the countries that were really fighting for something, this happened when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia got involved to defend Serbia. Germany seeing Russia mobilizing, declared war on Russia. France was then drawn in against Germany and Austria-Hungary. Germany attacked France through Belgium pulling Britain into war. Then Japan entered the war, and later, Italy. A lot of the time Countries did not even want a war they were just worried about keeping there alliances with larger, more powerful Countries so they too could be powerful, Historian Sidney Bradshaw Fay agrees with this stating â€Å"Germany was more concerned with supporting all Austria than starting a major war†3 Alliances were a major cause of World War 1 as they were each trying to keep a good relationship with their allies. They wanted to have there own protection and were willing to do anything to gain it. When things started getting tense between countries everyone jumped in and that is was caused the massacre, which was The Great War. World War 1 was a huge War that greatly impacted the world, it lead to massive changes and many losses. There are many different reasons for the beginning of the war but the three main factors contributing to the start of the war were Imperialism, Nationalism and alliances, as they were all 3 huge, linking issues that each country were doing. These three things had huge impact on the war and caused great conflict between the most powerful Countries not only of Europe but also at the time, of the world, which inevitably lead to what was The Great War.
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